Shaleh wrote:
> I never assume how much of a newbie you are (-:  Ok, step one.  Go to
> and get the imlib packages, you only
> need the -dev ones if you intend to compile things.  Install them in
> this order: imlib-base, libimlib, libgdk-imlib, imlib-progs (then the
> -dev's if you want them).  Now go to  You need libgnome
> (and the -dev if desired), libgtkxhtml, gnome-core.  This is enough to
> install (almost) any other package desired.  When you download a .deb if
> you run "dpkg -I mydeb.deb" where mydeb.deb is the deb package name,
> dpkg will tell you what files it depends on.
> OR you can wait another week and GNOME should be in slink, and you can
> just use dselect to grab it.


Just downloaded a bunch of files and took home to see that I'm missing

bash-2.01$ gnome-terminal 
gnome-terminal: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

In the dependencies it was stated that it's enough to have giflib3g (at
least, that's how I interpreted the "libungif3g | giflib3g"). Also, the
packages instaled a link ->, while
the packages provides only the /usr/lib/ 

bash-2.01$ dpkg -S libgdk_imlib
libgdk-imlib-dev: /usr/lib/
libgdk-imlib1: /usr/lib/
libgdk-imlib-dev: /usr/lib/libgdk_imlib.a
libgdk-imlib1: /usr/lib/

I've changed it to, but I would like to know if
this is right.



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