Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, I disagree with this point of view. Yes, Debian wishes to support
> newcomers to Linux. That is why we have debian-user. We have a
> responsibility to those new users to "train" them to be "free" users.
> They can only do that if they become familiar with the ins and outs of the
> "Debian Way".

But by actually submitting a bug report in the first place, they're
already helping.  The maintainer can either fix it or open a dialogue
up with the submitter if more information is needed.

The fact is -- if we require research beforehand, there will be FAR
fewer reports.  I for one will not submit any (or very few at least)
bug reports if this happens.  This will end up hurting Debian

John Goerzen   Linux, Unix consulting & programming   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Developer, Debian GNU/Linux (Free powerful OS upgrade)       www.debian.org |
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