Lawrence wrote:
> Markus Lechner wrote:
> >
> > Hi Lawrence,
> >
> > I read on the kernel-list that the new boards run all except U2W - but
> > they
> > are working on it and it may soon be done. You can use the other
> > SCSI-Parts up to UW-SCSI without any problems. You simply can't use the
> > U2W-Part of your controller until they (the kernel and driver
> > developers)
> > get it done. I'm buying a new MB with U2W in a week, for example :)
> So, you meant that the aicxxxx driver can use all connectors on the card
> except the internal and external ultra2 68 pin connectors?  I am
> surprised that the old driver *partially* support the new 2940u2w.
> Lawrence
As i wrote this, i meant the U2W protocol and driver related stuff, not
the physical parts.
But to be honest, i did only know that U2W AIC (sometimes related with
SMP-Kernel) makes problems. I didn't know if this meant the drivers or
connectors. There is now cooperation between driver developers and
and it might give us a complete new driver in the future (i saw a few
notes about that). Lets see :)


P.S.: partial support... why not :) SCSI is modular and hierarchic

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