On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Chris Russell wrote:

> Is there any way to add a single package using dselect without updating
> the Packages file. All I want to do is add the man-db and netstd
> packages to the base system.....
> Seems like the deselect is overkill and  dpkg is underkill.
> ?Why wouldnt these packages be part of the base????

Taken together, these packages are about 1MB in size, so that's
*another* floppy disk. Your wanting to use W95 as a go-between
but as the client rather than the server is pretty unusual, so
it doesn't seem worth everybody else adding a non-essential disk
to the installation process.

> ==The reason I want this===
> I'm trying to get the Beta 2 installed via the net with a twist. I have
> a laptop running win95 that I can use to dial out and it is connected to
> my 5port hub which the debian box is also attached to. I do not have a
> modem for the linux box.  With a ftp daemon on the debian box I could
> use the pc as a go between until I get a modem for the beast. (Yea I
> know I could get a ftpd for win95 but I wold rather go the other way.)


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