On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Tomt wrote:
> > At 10:44 PM 7/19/1998 -0700, you wrote:
> > >It may be useful for you to assign the NIC's address to something
> > >other than 0x300. A lot of different (very different even!) cards try
> > >to use 0x300 (sound cards, primarily).
> >
> > Theres a sound card in the machine but its sitting on 0x330
> >
> > >Also you may want to try pinging the machine's own address on the
> > >ethernet. See what that produces. Aside from that I can't help you
> > >much.
> >
> > Works.  Both machines can ping themselves but not each other.
> check that you don't have an irq conflict with the ethernet card.
> i've had enough irq conflicts with network cards for that to be the
> first thing i check when i get a system which can send but not receive
> packets.

Also, wasn't this a 509 card? (I've chucked the start of the thread.)
It's worth checking that you've got the right connection setting if
it's a combo. I've got several that won't autoselect the BNC, but have
to be set to BNC specifically. This might have the same symptoms.


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