Keith writes:
> My time is still not right.
> My hardware clock is right if I type clock this is what
> I get:
> debian# clock
> Thu Jul 23 20:07:06 1998
> ---------------------------------------
> If I type date this is what I get
> debian# date
> Thu Jul 23 16:07:40 EDT 1998
> ---------------------------------------
> I don't know what the lines are for, but I want my linux
> time to say what the hardware clock says. I thought that
> maybe my timezone was wrong, here is what my timezone file has
> in it:
> I live in Florida Eastern time zone -5:00 GMT.
> I need some more help with this problem. 

Ok, look at /etc/init.d/boot and let us know what the 'GMT=' line is set to.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
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