> Is there a simple way to change all filenames in a directory so they
> are lowercase?

1> cat /usr/local/bin/rename
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use locale;

# usage: rename perlexp [files]

($op = shift) || die "Usage: $0 perlexp [filenames]\n";
  @ARGV = <STDIN>;

$op =~ m/(.*)/; $op = $1;       # Un-taint $op

for (@ARGV) {
  $old = $_;
  eval $op;
  die $@ if $@;
  $new = $_;
  next if $old eq $new;
  next if -e $new;
  $old =~ m/(.*)/; $old = $1; # Un-taint $old
  $new =~ m/(.*)/; $new = $1; # Un-taint $new
  rename($old,$new) || die "$0: cannot rename $old to $new: $!\n";

1> rename "y/A-Z/a-z/" *    # lowercase all files
1> rename "s/.jpeg/.jpg/"   # change jpeg to jpg

This is fun if you know perl :-)

"i'm working on it"

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