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Ivan writes:
 > At 09:10 AM 03-08-98 -0700, you wrote:
 > >Try Star Office. <<<----- COMMERCIAL  
 > Only available FREE as part of the Caldera distribution !

Not at all. You can download staroffice 4.0 and install in your box, if you
don't use it commercially (I think educational intitutions can use as well).
I've done that myself and installed it in /usr/local/. It works smoothly (but
you need libc5) but uses *lots* of memory (up to 50M in my 64M box).

The only problem is that they are changing their international website these
days and it is not avaible (you can only acess pages saying they'll come back
in 11th August). Maybe it would be better wait a little since I understood
from their site that StarOffice 5.0 will bet release together with the new

If you need it right now take a look at
It is in German, though, but there you can find a link to download (they ask
some information like name and e-mail, but it's free).


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