>>"George" == George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 George> Jeez, I never said I had trouble with it, only that it is
 George> confusing to people in the real unix world that have not been
 George> exposed to it. Get it through your head that not everyone
 George> that uses Unix has ever seen a Linux machine, has ever looked
 George> at a Linux website, or has even seriously considered
 George> installing it anywhere. These people tend to have a SPARC2 or
 George> better on their desk at home running Solaris or maybe an IPC
 George> or IPX running SunOS.

        Great. I fail to this as being relevant to our numbering policy.

 George> WHen you say Linux they want to know if it is *BSD or
 George> SVR4. That is all they know and they know it extremely well.

        Does not seem to be people who contribute to the free software
 community much. 

 George> Of about 60 Unix people in our company about 4 have probably
 George> seen a Linux machine. Most of our people are applications
 George> people ... ClearCase for example does not run on Linux and
 George> those people are likely to never see a linux box in their
 George> work. They use either Solaris or Windows at home.

        So tell me again, why am I supposed to be interested?  I think
 Red Hat is the perfect distribution for them. They make a fine OS.

 "Our journey toward the stars has progressed swiftly.  In 1926 Robert
 H. Goddard launched the first liquid-propelled rocket, achieving an
 altitude of 41 feet.  In 1962 John Glenn orbited the earth.  In 1969,
 only 66 years after Orville Wright flew two feet off the ground for
 12 seconds, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and I rocketed to the moon in
 Apollo 11." Michael Collins Former astronaut and past Director of the
 National Air and Space Museum
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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