> I have received several e-mails from this list that cause fetchmail to
> stall.  There is something wrong with the individual e-mails, as Hotmail
> can't quite handle them either. Although Hotmail retrieves them from the
> POP server, the web browser stalls while displaying them.
> I just deleted the first three (by hitting control C then typing
> "fetchmail" again, then it regards the message as seen), but decided to
> look at the last two and find out what was going on.  They're both from
> this list, and both have "WYSIWYG Word Processor" as their subject. 
> What's more, both stall while loading after the lines "-----BEGIN GEEK
> CODE BLOCK-----" and "Version 3.1"
> I'm going to guess that this "geek code block" is responsible for the
> problems, since both Hotmail and fetchmail have problems with the same
> messages.  I'm not accusing anyone of doing this on purpose or anything.
> I would like to stay on this list, but it's not worth putting up with
> e-mail problems.  Please do your best to make sure that what you send is
> not going to cause anyone problems.  If e-mail you have sent is the
> culprit, you will be receiving e-mail from me politely asking you not to
> jam up my e-mail and asking for information that will help me piece
> together the cause of the problem. 
> Has anyone else had this problem with their mail?  Could someone who
> understands what is causing this problem explain it to me?

Of course I fogot to write down the error message, but I also had problems 
getting fetchmail to get three messages  (they were all from the same person). 
The error message was something like:

SMTP error: hostname must resolve

and it promptly refused to fetch any mail. 

+        Peter Granroth        +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +   Microsoft is the question   +
+    http://granroth.ml.org    +       The answer is NO        +

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