I've done a clean install of Hamm and have success.  (Debian is 
exposing all my M$ preconception and stupidities but is starting to 
look just about there -- hooray!)

I now have startx working fine from root and X set up for my card, 
monitor, PS2 mouse etc.  I declined to let dselect configure xdm 
into my startup as I prefer to launch X myself with startx.  However, 
and this is new to me, I am now told that I can't launch the xserver 
except as root.  The message refers to using xwrapper but I can't 
find that, or else it says I can use xdm, presumably from /etc/initab
It deprecates using the setuid bit and I've not mastered that idea 
anyway so I'm happy not to use it (feeble grin)

Can someone tell me how, without going through dselect again, 
which never sets X up properly for me, I can:
a) get xwrapper or some other safe way to be able to launch an 
xserver as an ordinary user
or, less to my liking but ... fine ... (!)
b) get xdm launched properly from the init



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