I want to inquire if other people out there had similar difficulties obtaining
the hamm images.

First I tried the cdimage.debian.org server and learned people outside of the 
ukaren't welcome there. Then I checked the mirror site in Germany where I am
located. Once there I saw a message like "use rsync". I write CDRs on an NT box
and didn't find an rsync port so I couldn't use the mirror as they didn't let
you download the image by means of http. Afterwards I checked out the mirror
site in NL and they finally let me download the images. Much to my horror I
found out they were corrupt when I checked them with MD5SUM the next morning.
Now was the time for some help and I used IRC to ask for a working site and
people out there told me about ftp.de.debian.org which was good because it
resolved to a german university and we universities are connected with
relatively high bandwidth. The problem was their ftp daemon refused my
connection attempts. After fiddling with some ftp clients and some computers
I came to the conclusion that they block your IP address if a connection
doesn't get authorized the right way or something. I.E. mistype user name
or password and you're out of business. :-( My last resort was SunSITE UK
which finally delivered working images.

Now, my question is why is it so hard to get these images? If somebody sets
up a mirror site am I wrong to assume that I'm allowed to download it in a
hassle free way?

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