On Sun, Aug 09, 1998 at 01:00:46AM -0700, Alan Su wrote:
> just out of curiousity, if i do 'make clean ; make zImage' in
> /usr/src/linux repeatedly and compare the size of
> /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage, should i expect to get the same
> size image?
> i'm currently burning in a computer by sticking it in such a loop, and
> i'm saving the images, just to tax the filesystem a bit.  this is a
> partial listing of the images i've saved:
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root       411115 Aug  8 23:25 zImage.26

> the file sizes are pretty close, but the're not identical.  of course,
> i haven't actually tried any of these, but i have no reason to suspect
> that they won't work.  am i right, or should i conclude that this
> machine has problems?  thanks.

The kernel image contains the date/time of compilation, and they're
also compressed. It's possible that due to small changes in the
data to be compressed (the date is the only thing that will change I think)
the compression algorithm produces a result of different size.

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