> > --
> > 
> I'm running X; however, I'm running it as root. When I try running 
> Netscape in an xterm window, it tells me I can't run Netscape as root. So 
> I try logging in as a normal user and I get the "can't open display" 
> message. If I try "netscape &" like you suggest above, I get a message 
> like "[1] 563".
> As I tell you these details, I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that my 
> problem is related to user privileges.

You're running X as root (meaning the desktop is root's) and then
attempting to run netscape as a user.  H/e, when netscape tries to open a
window it can't b/c it doesn't have permission to access the
desktop--that's the reason for the error message.  The xterm session
doesn't give your user account any x privilidges.

The thing to do is run X from your user account rather than from root.

You really shouldn't be running X all the time as root anyway.  

Run X (and your system normally) as a user, and su to root to perform
system maintenance and configuration--the only times you should be logged
as root in the first place. :)


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