Hello all,

I just downloaded the 38MB file of the Wordperfect 8.0 prerelease...

I followed the directions given at the ftp site, namely:

1. download linuxgui8.tar.gz and then unzip the file
     (gunzip filename.tar.gz)
2. untar the file (tar -xvf filename.tar)
3. execute the Runme file to start installation

...HOWEVER, when I type in "gunzip linuxgui8.tar.gz", I get the

   gunzip: linuxgui8.tar.gz: invalid compressed data -- format

Is this a problem with my version of gunzip? OR did I download 38MB
worth of corrupted file?

On a related note, IF I do get it working (with all of your help, of
course) - where should I place the "wordperfect" directory? Is there
some type of UNIX standard for where this type of directory should go?

Also, IF I get it to work, should I run the Runme file in X?

Thanks alot!


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