
I've just tried to update my Hamm system (using the ftp method in dselect) by
appending "dists/stable-updates" to the list of distributions
("/dists/stable/main dists/stable/non-free dists/stable/contrib") to get. The
result was that dselect also selected the m68k version of mutt, although my
system is an i386.

The directories dists/stable/main, dists/stable/non-free, dists/stable/contrib
have a subdivision into architectures, e.g. binary-i386, binary-m68k. I guess
the reason dselect selected the wrong architecture must be that there is no
architecture-specific subdivision in stable-updates.

It seems simply appending "/dists/stable-updates" doesn't do the trick. What,
then, is the right way to update a system using dselect? Or should I manually
install the contents of the dists/stable-updates directory using dpkg?



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