> Hi,
> >>"E" == E L Meijer \(Eric\) <E.L.> writes:
>  E> Being lazy myself, I have a feature request on behalf of all the (lazy)
>  E> loadlin users.  Would it be possible to have the newly created
>  E> kernel-image package offer the option of copying the kernel to the
>  E> place loadlin expects it in your setup?  I would figure that
>  E> kernel-package_...deb could ask if there is a standard
>  E> `loadlin-kernel-directory', and store that in its configuration files.
>  E> Of course it should rename old kernels using some intelligent renaming
>  E> scheme (vmlinuz.1, vmlinuz.2, ...).
>       Is it really that bad doing a 
>  # cp /vmlinuz /place/to/keep/images
>  ? The reason I have not done so is that some people keep the images
>  on dos partitions (which may or may not be mounted, and others keep
>  it on a floppy. 

No, that's not hard at all.  The very nice thing about make-kpkg is that
it combines a lot of steps none of which is particularly hard (I did use
slackware once), but it's easy to forget one, or do them in a wrong
order.   For exactly that reason it would be nice to add this copying of
the kernel to the automated process.  But if it complicates things
too much, I won't be nagging you about it.  I wouldn't want to be the
cause of some freshly introduced bugs in this great package!


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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