
Last night I tried to get xdm working. As far as I understood all I should do
was edit /etc/X11/config line from "no-start-xdm" to "start-xdm". I did that,
booted and then I got xdm up. After that I logged as a user, logout, and then
logged as root (to install something). After logging out, surprise: I got a
screen with some thin vertical strips, no login window, no control. 

I couldn't manage to get a console, then I had to press reset (this was my
first time, how sad ;-( ). After rebooting the same happened, the second logout
mess my system. Does anyone knows what I am doing wrong? I am using hamm beta2
(my cheapbytes cd's haven't arrived yet :-) ). Should I upgrade xbase, or
something else, using ftp (I have a slow connection from home, thats why I
haven't done that already)?



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