At 05:26 PM 8/22/1998 +1000, you wrote:
>ThanX for all the help
>but it installed it and when i ran "startx" it said
>X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_NONE failed
>PLease can u help me!!!

The purpose of XF86Setup and xf86config (different progs to accomplish the
same purpose) is to create the XF86Config file. This file contains settings
for your X windows.

In addition to this file, there's another file called /etc/X11/Xserver.
This file specifies who can run X and which X server (video resolution,
sort of) to use. The first line of this file specifies the X server. It
sounds like that line is pointing to XF86_NONE. Use an editor (such as vi
or emacs) to edit the file and change the first line to use XF86_VGA or
XF86_VGA16 or XF86SVGA. If the first line does not reference XF86_NONE,
then this is not the problem and you'll have to let us know.

Kent West                       | Technology Support/                           
Abilene Christian University    | Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724        
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:    KC5ENO, General                       |

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