On 31-Aug-1998, Gerhard Poul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > > I guess I just took their word for it, but it certainly doesn't cast the
> > > Debian project in a good light that the cd_autoup.sh script won't work
> > > without manually (and without instruction) making lots of silly symlinks
> > > in a temporary directory and running it from there.
> We're currently developing scripts for generating debian cd's...
> can you please mail me the layout they should have??

Have had a look at the scripts in the debian-cd package.
Using these and a debian mirror, you can generate an debian CD
pretty easily.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.     - Benjamin Franklin

Tyson Dowd   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://tyse.net

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