
I congratulate you on having successfully installed the Debian GNU/Linux

You need to read an introductory Unix book, such as O'reilly's "Learning
the UNIX Operating System" or one of Sobel's books such as Hands On
Linux series books from AWL. YOu need to learn a basic text command line
set for getting around UNIX or Linux. 

Write me directly, not on the list, and I will send you some of the 
material I give my students.

There are Linux web pages that are tutorial in nature, I'm sure that
someone on this list will mention the URLs.

A remark or two: Linux is just a free re implementation of the ideas and
ideals of the Unix(tm) operating system by a bunch of wonderful people.

It is better than Lose 95 or Lose NT in part because it is free, in part
because it is very much more robust than M$ operating systems.  

It is not nearly as satisfactory from the point of view of Ms Average
user because it requires some technical knowledge to use, and there
really are no "killer (desktop) applications" yet. But for software
development, web hosting, or teaching computer science, there is no
better enviroment. 

--David Teague
       LINUX: the FREE 32 bit OS for [3456]86 PC's available NOW!
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights & software
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | patents make programing a dangerous business. 

On Sun, 30 Aug 1998, Igor Grobman wrote:

> You really should post to Debian-user with questions like this.  I am sorry I 
> don't have time to answer questions such as this most of the time.  I
> took the  
> liberty of forwarding your message to the list.
> Igor.
> ------- Forwarded Message
> Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Delivery-Date: Sun Aug 30 23:15:58 1998
> Reply-To: ID #35375-x <>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> Subject: *H*E*L*P*
> I am not writting because I want to write a FAQ. I am writting to you
> because I can't find anyone else to write to! Please, you have to help
> me!!!
>       I bought 4 CD's of Debian from CheapBytes. I installed the CD's
> everything was very confusing but I somehow managed to install Debian
> and get it working with Windows 95 on the same computer. I have a
> Pentium 150 with 32 Mb ram and a 1 Gb hard drive. I have a PnP Modem
> (33.6Kpbs) and a PnP sound card (AWE64 Gold). Now, I tried my level best
> to learn a few commands of Linux. But I think it is simply impossible. I
> have downloaded the Debian Manual. I am still searching for a way to
> access my drives. I don't even know how to copy files in this Operating
> System. It seems that this operating system is very cAsE-SeNsEtIvE! I
> read many FAQ's but all the FAQ's tell you is that Linus Para... made
> Linux with a bunch of Hackers! Then it tells you how good Linux is and
> how bad windows 95 is. But I haven't come across a single Help file or a
> FAQ that actually tells you how to use this Operating System.
> Please send me some info on the basic commands and on how I can connect
> to internet using Linux. I know there is a isapnp utility and it is
> supposed to configure my PnP Hardware using the isapnp.conf file (which
> is a dump from the isapnpdump file). Anyhow, the problem is the diald or
> the pppd. I don't know. What to do. I am at a stage at which I am
> pulling out my hair in frustation. Please Help Me.
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Any Help Will Be Highly Appreciated
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
>                           --------- Thank You----------
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
> -- 
> Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
> Igor Grobman           [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> --  
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