On Tue, Sep 08, 1998 at 04:00:19PM -0400, Person, Rod wrote:
> Since, I decided to use debian instead of Slackware or Red Hat. I have
> noticed something. I can't find a book devoted to it.

www.cheapbytes.com ...they sell the:
"Debian User's Guide *ED1* Close-out price W/2 CDs"
>From the web page:
"This is Edition 1 of the Debian User's Guide. We are offering it at a 
close-out price. The book is aimed at Debian 1.3, but is still usefull for
Debian 2.0 since it covers such issues as dpkg and dselect...."

The price (as I see now) is $13 (americain)

I seem to remember hearing something somewhere about a new version of
the book "on its way" or at least with some sort of not too far off
future date. Don't expect me to be right tho...my memory ois fuzzy

> I can find the
> other and I even am considering switching to another dist, just be cause
> I like to have a printed text near by.

I knwo what you mean ....guess not everyone has laser printers :/
I don't think its really worth switching just for that though. 
(When I first started I got a coupla books on other dists but found them
almost useless....I find general informatrion books MUCH better)

> You to read on the bus or when
> you turn on your machine and it makes that uhhhhhh no sound stop crash !
> So can someone recommend one to me that has stuff in it specific to
> Debian? Where can I get it? (I even have Linux Journal - and I can't
> find anything in there!) Ok, if it will help I'll trade all my old
> Windblows 95/3.1 tech manuals and like or how about my Netware CNE/CNA
> study guide........ ; )

hmmm well...
Ill buy that $13 book and trade it for your CNE/CNA study guides AND Windblows 
Tech manuals....hmmm maybe....
If they are laid on top of eachother...whats the total height of the books?
(I know the CNE book from novel is at least 2 inchges thick)....really I 
just need them to raise up my monitor off the desk ;>

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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