On 14 Sep 98, at 12:57,
Micki Heyns wrote:

> I am running bo and trying to set up my x windows but it does not  like my
> screen card "S3 Trio64V2".

My card is a S3 Trio64V+, and it worked fine both with Debian
1.3.1 and now with 2.0, except a bit of a headache for configuring.
The XF86_S3 server came within the distribution.  I guess you may
download it from www.debian.org

El hombre-masa actual es, en efecto, un primitivo,
que por los bastidores se ha deslizado en el viejo
escenario de la civilizaciĆ³n.
   Ortega y Gasset - La RebeliĆ³n de las Masas.


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