On Mon, Sep 14, 1998 at 04:27:41PM +0200, Peter Makholm wrote:
> "Stephen J. Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> #include <stddisclaimer.h>
> > LILO: linux /bin/sh
> [...]
> > hopefully once you zap the root password...it SHOULD be sufficent
> > to remount the filesystem read-only and issue halt or reboot
> You didn't try this Stephen?

No I didn't....
I HAVE done it but...I havn't needed to do it in a LONG time. 
Only ever had to resort to it once.

> When I blew up my /etc/inittab this was the only way in. I think I
> remember that I couldn't do a halt or reboot. The only way out was the
> power switch. I had the rootpartition mounted read-only and everything
> was fine when it booted.

Yes that should do it...hmm...I seem to remember something about sync'ing

> I belive that halt and reboot almost just is synonyms for "init 0" and
> "init 6" which maybe wouldn't work if not PID0 is a init allready.

hmm Yes thats true and AFAIK that wasn't always the case. There
used to be (and are on other Unixes) halt and reboot which do just that.
in fact on them "sync;sync;reboot" is a traditional method for reboot :)

hmmm maybe we need "realhalt" and "realreboot"...


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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