At 11:59 AM 9/17/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>I am trying to copy the debian 2.0 linux files into a floppy
>so I can install from Floppy diskettes.
>I downloaded the files from:
>I noticed to copy some of these files like: resc1440.bin, base14-?.bin,
>these files are greater than 145k.  The size of a formated 1.44 floppy
>145k.  How can you fit these files into a floppy for a floppy
>Do I need to do a special type of format to fit these files into a
>thanks for all the help

Copy down the rawrite2.exe file also. Then from a DOS prompt (in DOS,
Win95, or WinNT) type 
        rawrite2  -f resc1440.bin -d a:
(assuming your blank floppy is in the A: drive). Alternatively, I believe
you can just type 
and it will prompt you for the filename and destination.
After it's finished copying, remove the floppy and label it Rescue Disk.
Then do the same thing for the other disk images (only replace the
"resc1440.bin" filename in the example above with the filename of the next
image to be copied). 

Hope this helps.

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