The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to uiuc.sw.linux as well.

I am looking for a type of "desktop calendar" application for Linux.

Several folks have large (physical) calendars on their actual desk.
They are well-suited for writing down appointments, exam dates,
interviews, etc.

I would like to have an application that runs on my desktop, if
possible, that simulates one of these large physical calendars.  A
grid for the month, each cell representing another day.  And, perhaps, 
I could click on a cell with my mouse and bring up a text editor or
something to look and and change that day's agenda.  Best case, I
think it would be nice if this calendar application ran in my root
window of X (of course being customizable, colorful, etc.).

Even a text mode (ncurses, s-lang, maybe) calendar would be nice, with 
some of the same features: indicate a cell to view/edit.  Running with 
a program like screen, the text-mode version would be very nice.

Anybody know of something like this?  Or would it be a good project
for me?


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