>> "RC" == Russ Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
[smail setup]

What is the problem with this?

RC> Also, I use fetchmail and Pine to read my mail.  Fetchmail connects, and
RC> retrieves my mail - 
RC> I have verbose set, so I know it connects and transfers messages, and I
RC> have the keep option
RC> active.  However, no messages are saved on my machine. 
RC> /var/spool/mail/russ is a zero length
RC> file.  The mail does not seem to be in my home directory either.  Can
RC> anyone suggest things
RC> to check?

You run fetchmail as user ross, right?
Check your .fetchmailrc

poll pop3.provider.com protocol pop3
username rosscook password whatever is ross here

Check if there is something in /var/spool/smail/input and if
/var/log/smail/logfile contains entries about the mail not beeing
delivered or such.


[please don't quote the old message below your question]

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