
i didn't find any README in the slink directory, so how does the upgrade work
(and the maintenance...) do i simply install the packages of the slink

In fact i would like to have packages like gnome easily installed and
maintained through dselect... and that seems possible only upgrading to

second problem: my system seems to have problems with dpkg, i couldn't get it
install the gmp package, no way.... i corresponded with the package mantainer
but after some initial guesses, didn't hear anymore from him :(

result are some packages that are set as broken....
further when trying to retrieve non-US packages, despite the fact that the
Package file is fetched at the right location, when trying to download the path
used by dselect is worng:
Checking for Packages file...
Connecting to ftp.inka.de...
Login as anonymous...
Setting transfer mode to binary...
Cd to `/debian'...
getting: dists/stable/non-US/binary-i386/pgp-us_2.6.3a-4.deb (283332)
dists/stable/non-US/binary-i386/pgp-us_2.6.3a-4.deb: No such file or directory.

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