Bradley Bell wrote:
> I need to print to an HP Laserjet 5Si printer which is hooked up to a
> netware network,
> Can anybody point me to any resources on printing to netware printers?
> I've studied and tried every trick in the IPX- and Printing-HOWTO, and
> the instructions there are pretty insufficient when it comes to this
> problem.
> At the moment, I can almost print text files using nprint, but they come
> out staircased and sideways, and with no banner page.
> If anybody else has gotten this working, can I see your printcap and
> filter files?

Yeah, it works fine here. I use a combination of magicfilter (debian
package) and nprint. We have a number of printers all hooked up to a
host called "ics1". I wrote a wrapper for nprint to make the
authentification and to be able to send data to nprint by stdin.

Attached are the makefiles, source, printcap, and a magicfilter file for
one of the printers.

My set up is like this:

/etc/printer/ics1/.nwclient --> authentification (holds "ICS1/username
                 /Makefile  --> rules to make a printer
                 /tess-ps-1 --> one of the printers.
                 /nw-printer.c --> source to generate a wrapper for each
                 /tess-ps   --> a wrapper binary generated by the
You will probably need to make small changes to Makefile and printcap.
Also change a magicfilter generate filter to get it to use the wrapper.

Hope the attachments help you on your way,
NW_WHERE=-DHOME=\"/etc/printer/ics1\" -DSERVER=\"ics1\"
CC=gcc -Wall -W -Werror
all: tess-ps tess-tinte tess-ps-kyo37

tess-ps : tess-ps.o
        gcc -o $@ $^
        chown root.root $@
        chmod ug+s $@
tess-ps.o: nw-printer.c
        gcc -o $@ -c $^ -Wall -W -Werror $(NW_WHERE) -DQUEUE=\"tess-ps\"
tess-tinte : tess-tinte.o
        gcc -o $@ $^
        chown root.root $@
        chmod ug+s $@
tess-tinte.o: nw-printer.c
        gcc -o $@ -c $^ -Wall -W -Werror $(NW_WHERE) -DQUEUE=\"tess-tinte\"
tess-ps-kyo37 : tess-ps-kyo37.o
        gcc -o $@ $^
        chown root.root $@
        chmod ug+s $@
tess-ps-kyo37.o: nw-printer.c
        gcc -o $@ -c $^ -Wall -W -Werror $(NW_WHERE) -DQUEUE=\"tess-ps-kyo37\"

/* -*- c -*- 
   Dirk Bonne

   wrapper for nprint, to get authentification working and
   make it accept data from the stdin ---magicfilter prefers


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define WHO_CAN_RUN_ME "daemon"

main(int argc, char** argv)
  int ret;
  char tmpfile[512] = "/tmp/tmpXXXXXX";
  char cmd[1024];
  struct passwd* pass;
  int fd;
  char tmpbuf[8192];
  ssize_t nread;

  if(argc != 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;
  if(!(pass = getpwnam(WHO_CAN_RUN_ME))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "getpwname failed for " WHO_CAN_RUN_ME ": %s", 
    return 1;
  if(getuid() != 0 && getuid() != pass->pw_uid) {
    fprintf(stderr, "only root or " WHO_CAN_RUN_ME " can run me, not 
    return 1;
  if(-1 == setreuid(geteuid(), geteuid())) {
    fprintf(stderr, "setreuid: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    return 1;
  setenv("HOME", HOME, 1); /* so nprint can find .nwclient */
  /* nprint wants a file: */
  if(-1 == (fd=mkstemp(tmpfile))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "mkstemp failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    return 1;
  while(0 != (nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf)))) {
    if(nread == -1) {
      if(errno != EINTR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "read on stdin failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return 1;
    } else {
      ssize_t nwrite;
      const char* p = tmpbuf;
      while(nread > 0 && 0 != (nwrite = write(fd, p, nread))) {
        nread -= nwrite; /* potentially hangs, if nwrite is zero */
        p += nwrite;
      if(nwrite == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return 1;
  sprintf(cmd, "strace /usr/bin/nprint -S " SERVER " -q " QUEUE " %s 1>&2", 
  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);
  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getenv("HOME"));
  system("env 1>&2");
  system("id 1>&2");
  ret = system(cmd);
  if(ret == -1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "system(%s): %s", cmd, strerror(errno));
    return 1;
  } else if(ret == 127) {
    fprintf(stderr, "call of /bin/sh failed for ´%s´\n", cmd);
    return 1;
  } else {
    return ret;
# Dirk Bonne

# PostScript
#0      %!              postscript 
#0      \004%!          postscript 
0       %!              filter /etc/printer/ics1/tess-ps
0       \004%!          filter /etc/printer/ics1/tess-ps

0       \367\002        fpipe   /usr/bin/dvips  -D 600  -R -q -F -f 

# compress'd data
0       \037\235        pipe    /bin/gzip  -cdq 

# packed, gzipped, frozen and SCO LZH data
0       \037\036        pipe    /bin/gzip  -cdq 
0       \037\213        pipe    /bin/gzip  -cdq 
0       \037\236        pipe    /bin/gzip  -cdq 
0       \037\240        pipe    /bin/gzip  -cdq 

# troff documents
0       .\?\?\040       fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0       .\\\"           fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0       '\\\"           fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0       '.\\\"          fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0       \\\"            fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

# ditroff
0       "x T ps"        pipe    /usr/bin/grops 
0       "x T dvi"       pipe    /usr/bin/grodvi 
0       "x T ascii"     pipe    /usr/bin/grotty 
0       "x T latin1"    pipe    /usr/bin/grotty 
0       "x T lj4"       reject  Cannot print LaserJet 4 ditroff files.

# Portable bit-, grey- and pixmaps
0       P1\n            pipe    /usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0       P2\n            pipe    /usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0       P3\n            pipe    /usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0       P4\n            pipe    /usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0       P5\n            pipe    /usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0       P6\n            pipe    /usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  

# HP Printer Control Language (PCL) -- assume start with reset code
0       \033E\033       reject  Cannot print PCL files on this printer. 

# HP Printer Job Language (PJL)
0       \033%-12345X    reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0       "@PJL "         reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0       @PJL\t          reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0       @PJL\r          reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0       @PJL\n          reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 

# GIF files
0       GIF87a          pipe    /usr/bin/giftopnm  2>/dev/null
0       GIF89a          pipe    /usr/bin/giftopnm  2>/dev/null

# JFIF (JPEG) files
0       \377\330\377\340\?\?JFIF\0      pipe    /usr/bin/djpeg  -pnm

# TIFF files (the last two bytes of the "magic" is really a version number;
# but the magic is really lame and as far as I have understood the version
# number has never changed and never will, so we include it.)
0       MM\0\x2a        pipe    /usr/bin/tifftopnm  2>/dev/null
0       II\x2a\0        pipe    /usr/bin/tifftopnm  2>/dev/null

# BMP files (even lousier magic -- Microsoft strikes again!)
0       BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x0c  pipe    \
        /usr/bin/bmptoppm  2>/dev/null
0       BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x40  pipe    \
        /usr/bin/bmptoppm  2>/dev/null
0       BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x28  pipe    \
        /usr/bin/bmptoppm  2>/dev/null

# Sun rasterfiles
0       \x59\xa6\x6a\x95 pipe   /usr/bin/rasttopnm  2>/dev/null

# SGI Imagelib (IRIS RGB) files
0       \x1\xda         pipe    /usr/bin/sgitopnm  2>/dev/null
0       \xda\x1         pipe    /usr/bin/sgitopnm  2>/dev/null

# FIG files; reported by Steven P. Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
0       #FIG            pipe    /usr/bin/X11/fig2dev  -Lps -P -l dummy

# Standard rejects... things we don't want to print

# Various archive formats
257     ustar\0         reject  Attempted to print a tar file.
257     "ustar  \0"     reject  Attempted to print a tar file.
0       07070           reject  Attempted to print a cpio file.
0       PK\3\4          reject  Attempted to print a zip file.
20      \xdc\xa7\xc7\xfd reject Attempted to print a zoo file.

# Binaries (Linux): reject with email message
0       \013\1d\0       reject  Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0       \100\1d\0       reject  Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0       \007\1d\0       reject  Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0       \314\0d\0       reject  Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0       \177ELF         reject  Attempted to print an ELF object.
0       \007\001\0      reject  Attempted to print an object file.
216     \021\001\0\0    reject  Attempted to print a core dump file.
0       !<arch>         reject  Attempted to print an archive.
0       =<ar>           reject  Attempted to print an archive.

# Don't confuse this one with troff!
0       .snd            reject  Attempted to print Sun/NeXT audio data.

# optimistic troff magic
0       .               fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
# wacko troff magic
0       '''             fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

# Default entry -- for normal (text) files.  MUST BE LAST.
default                 pipe    a2ps -nH -nP -8 -1 -nd -ns -nu -nL -p 

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