At 08:02 AM 10/2/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>My computer does not have PNP support in the BIOS (it is from 1993).  I do
use "Auto" for the drive type in the BIOS, though.
>>>> Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/1/98 8:01:11 PM >>>
>On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Kent West wrote:
>> At 04:41 PM 10/1/1998 -0400, Jeff Miller wrote:
>> >Hi all:
>> >
>> >I have had a problem ever since I installed Debian on my Dell P60
>> computer.  If I cold boot (power on) the computer Linux starts up with no
>> problems.  But, if I perform a warm boot (ctrl-alt-del etc.) my hard drive
>> isn't recognized.  It is almost as if the drive has been dismounted by the
>> BIOS.  The drive is nothing special (Western Digital 540MB) and it is
>> connected directly to the motherboard.  Anyone else experience this type of
>> problem?
>> >
>> >TIA
>> >
>> >Jeff Miller
>> >
>> >
>> >--  
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>> /dev/null
>> Not specifically, but I've seen network cards get lost. It's related to
>> Plug&GuessAgain. The BIOS thinks it needs to reassign IRQs (for the HD
>> controller, maybe), but the hardware (HD Controller) never lost it's power
>> or got a reset signal, so it's holding onto the old IRQ. The BIOS sees that
>> IRQ is being used and so assigns a new one to the hardware but the hardware
>> doesn't accept it since it already has one.
>> Or something like that.
>There's a BIOS option for that isnt there? (cant reboot now to check) But
>I had to use it when I got the same sort of problem with my soundcard.
>Something to do with Updating the ESCD. Damn... sometimes I wish I was
>in win9x so I had to reboot sometime.. :) Anyway, its in a menu selection
>on its own, with something like "PNP OS installed: Y/N" there with it.
>have a play, never did my box any harm. :)
>                       Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>               PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
>                       Cat Game #1:  Hah - made you look!
>                Debian GNU/Linux....  Ooohh You are missing out!

I'm sure you've already tried this, but I'll suggest it anyway. Make a note
of the hard drive settings the AUTO finds/reports in BIOS, then firm codes
those settings (probably as Type 47). If this doesn't make sense, holler back.


Kent West, Technology Support
Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!

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