My Debian install's -almost- making sense now!

Just a few tiny things ... when I run get-news to download
Usenet via suck, I get this:

Total articles to download: 929
1836135 Bytes received in 62 mins 54.05 secs, BPS = 486.5
Closed connection to
Building INN Batch File
Downloaded Articles
You can hang up the modem now
Nothing sent -- leaving batchfile alone.
Local posting error

... and none of the articles appear in the local spool.

"Local posting error" isn't very informative!  I've checked
/etc/suck/get-news.conf and it looks right.  I'm not an innd guru
though, is there anything there I have to alter to let suck post my
news locally?


: --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe,
: the more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is
: drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law
: within me.  -- Immanuel Kant

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