Helge Hafting writes:
> Note that your PATH does not contain the current directory (.) This is
> default for Debian, and is considered a security feature. I believe you
> can run standard executables like "ls" and such?
> To run the a.out file, use "./a.out" instead of only "a.out"
> The same applies to anything else that isn't in your path.  Why is this a
> security thing?  Because a nasty user on a multiuser system could create a
> virus or something and name it "ls"
> in his home directory.  Someone else might cd's into that
> directory and run "ls" in order to get a directory list.
> Not having the current dir in PATH is then useful. 

Unnecessary, Just place the "." at the end of the $PATH variable so that all
other directories are searched first before defaulting to the current
directory "."  Thus, official binaries (like /usr/bin/*) are searched before
attempting the current directory.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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