You don't need anything more than Lilo to do this.  I tri-boot Win95,
NT and Linux all without anything more than Lilo.  With these three,
the order that works the easiest is 1st Win95, then install NT, then
Linux or if Linux is there already, boot it, edit lilo.conf, and then
run lilo.  If done in this order, you need only id one of the uSlop
OS's, because the NT loader will find and have an entry for Win95.
They both are booted from it in this case.

Actually, on this same machine there is a second Linux (RH) but I 
boot it from floppy.  Never have figured out how to do it right with
Lilo when the root is not on the first disk, other than to put the
kernel in /boot of whatever Linux IS on the 1st disk.  I wasted alot
of time trying to figure that out but soon tired of all the boot tries
that failed! :)  It was just easier to put the kernel in /boot than to
struggle anymore trying to get it right.  Either that, or put the root 
partition of both on that 1st disk.  Used to be harder to get away with
because of disk cyl limits, but thats not in the way these days.  On 
systems with multiple disks, I like using them all, and therefore put
the partitions all over the place...and I keep one disk on one IDE,
and the 2nd on the other too, for any possible advantage performance
wise.  That being the case its easy enough to keep the root of all of
them on the 1st disk too.  Thats also why I keep the boot floppy handy
just in case, and that floppy only bootable Linux is for emergencies
more than anything else...and yes, its come in very handy more than
once!  Much easier to fix a system if you can boot a Linux up somehow;


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