On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 11:13:19AM +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
> Does anyone know if the isdn support in either hamm or slink supports
> this beast ?
No, you will need a patch for pcmcia-cs to support the card.

Unfortunately, I couldn't made mine to work even with this patch. The author
couldn't tell me why and I didn't have time to investigate it further.

The ELSA card worked (but a patch is needed also. No PCMCIA ISDN card is
supported out-of-the-box)


| Quotes from the net:  L> Linus Torvalds, W> Winfried Truemper               |
| L>this is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| W>Umh, oh. What do you mean by "special easter release"?. Will it quit      |
* W>working today and rise on easter?                                         *

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