On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Albert Hurd wrote:

> I dwnloaded   newsletr.tar.gz from the CTAN site. On attempting a tar
> xvfz, I got:
> icarus:~/writing/newsletter> tar xvfz  newsletr.tar.gz
> tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive
> tar: Skipping to next file header
> Is there anything I can do to recover the file, or am I out of luck for
> a Tex newsletter include??


The one thing you can try is

        zcat newsletr.tar.gz | tar vx

This will unpack as far as the error. I don't know what else you might
do from that point. Can you download this again?

I hope someone else has an answer for that. 

     LINUX: because I want to get there *TODAY*        (thanks Shaleh)
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights & software patents 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | make programming a dangerous business.

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