David S. Zelinsky writes:
> Using diald, with a dynamic IP address, I sometimes get an annoying "phantom"
> in the packet queue.  It's usually something like:
>       <some.remote.address>/80 => <stale.local.address>/1234
> evidently coming from an aborted http transfer.  The stale local address is
> the IP address I had on some previous connection.
> The diald packet queue will show this for a minute, then disconnect when its
> time expires.  The queue will remain empty for a minute or two, and then this
> same entry will reappear, and cause the link to come back up.  It will sit
> idle for a minute, the link will go down, and the whole cycle keeps repeating.
> I've tried:
>   * killing Netscape (which initiated the transfer originally)
>   * killing and restarting diald
> Neither of these stop the phantom from continuing to reappear.
> I've tried running lsof to see what process is opening the connection -- but
> lsof doesn't show it.
> The only way I've been able to make it stop is by either waiting (it goes away
> after 10 or 15 minutes); or by rebooting.
> So, can anyone tell me what is causing this request to be continually
> regenerated, and/or how to stop it?

A suggestion: Stop "diald" and check /var/log for "diald.fifo". I found that
if "diald" is not shutdown properly, a bogus file gets created
(/var/log/diald.fifo). When you restart "diald", I believe that it uses that 
bogus file instead of creating a new, clean fifo. If you have such a file,
"rm" it.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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