I reported earlier that adding the "hostname" to the /etc/hosts file entry
would stop the repeated dialdings. I found out to my chagrin, that the
problem was not solved. I reread the diald.faq file and tried this solution:

1) shutdown diald

2) edit /etc/diald/diald.options and make the local IP a non-routable like

3) edit /etc/hosts and add that bogus non-routable address like: <hostname> <<< use your local hostname here

4) reboot the system (for some odd reason, if you fail to reboot, diald will
use the _old_ parameters instead of the newly edited files) Maybe a guru can
tell me how to flush all the buffers so that I don't have to reboot the

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@westgac3.dragon.com Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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