Hi, people!
    I have a problem. I have tried to install Xwindows on my 486100, but it 'cannot find the packages'. I've used dpkg to... de-package the files but none of the resulting files run at all. I've tried doing it from my Win98 partition, but same result. I've used dselect, but again all I get is useless files. I have reinstalled, reformatted, and reinstalled, but no go. The machine in question has no internet access, and I don't have any idea on how to set up my internet account with Linux. I tried mounting my hard disk (vfat) but again, no go. I've tard and retard my files in a futile attempt to copy them to disk... I even created my own mini packages file. None of this works, and I have (gasp) almost given up hope. Other then lending out my hard disk to a friend who won't loan out the CD, what else can I do?
    Derek McCabe, Toronto

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