
> On Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:48:19 -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> >Linux doesn't ordinarily have any facility for saying _how much_ data
> >goes through an if. The snmpd's base their throughput figures on
> >_number of packets_, which isn't exactly the same thing. IIRC, you can
> >run ip accounting and hack the snmpd's to get their numbers via that
> >mechanism.
>     Well, that blows.  Packets don't mean diddly compared to bytes when it
> comes to bandwidth utilization.  Do you know if that will be fixed any time
> soon?  2.1.* maybe?

Yes. 2.1 counts bytes in /proc/net/dev. But IIRC there are still some
NIC-drivers which don't supply these numbers. tulip does. I've no clue about
SNMPD, but I suppose you'll have to teach it to use the byte counters, too.


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