I sent this yesterday (I think: windoze problems!), hasn't been 
copied back to me by majordomo so I assume it didn't get through.

I have moved my debian machine home from old workplace and am 
trying to configure it for ppp access to my university ppp entry 
point.  I have used pppconfig to enter the basic parameters that 
work for Win95 ppp access and I can see from plog (after pon) that 
I am getting a connection to the system and it notes the fixed 
address that it serves to me (which I have put in my /etc/hosts) and 
the host address that it uses.  plog then shows a complaint:
    Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP 
that was linked with a comment about not replacing existing default 
route for eth0 so I edited out all the eth0 lines in /etc/init.d/network
leaving only the loopback lines.  I rebooted and that removed the 
comment about not replacing the existing default route but....

... I can only ping the host ip address ... every other address fails,
numeric addresses just show no action at all and full names don't 
get resolved.  

I have put the numeric addresses of the DNS servers that the ppp 
entries for win95 use in my /etc/resolv.conf file after:
domain sghms.ac.uk which was my old domain (I know my old 
name and ip address at the office in that old domain are unused).

I think I'm failing to tell the ppp0 route or pppd (the same thing 
essentially?) the right default gateway and/or netmask to use.  
Nothing in plog, netstat, route or ifconfig that I can see are helping 
me, all suggest the ppp communication is working fine, the route 
lines look odd to me with the first line giving the host address then with netmask and then and the 
host address with netmask (as I remember it) but I'm out of 
my depth here despite looking at every man, --help, -h, doc, 
example and even running linux!  I am sure I'm being obtuse but I'd 
appreciate any advice.



Chris Evans, R&D Consultant,
Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust

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