Clovis Sena wrote:
> Hi all,
> what do I need to make a win95 to see and uses my Debian as a file
> server???? A print server is also available?? how can I configure all of
> it??
> Any help is wellcome!!!Thanks.Clovis Sena.
> NOTE: I work in a environment that includes Win95+dos6.22 as clients,
> Win NT and Novell 3.12 as servers ( running a mix of database+ intranet
> and internet access + mail(most uses outlooks/messenger) )   ; so I
> would like to introduce Linux as a option as server ( files + web
> services) as workstation ( that needs access to all of these resources.)
> Its driving me crasy! So that's why I need helP :>).

I'm sure others will give you better answers. Basically you need Samba
running on your Linux box. This will allow it to look like an NT server
to Win95/98/NT boxes. I'm too new at Linux to be of much help, but
here's what I know.

Install Samba (run dselect and search [the / key] for Samba). After it's
installed, the configuration is done in /etc/smb.conf. Here's an
excellent snippit from a posting by Fredrik Ax a month or two ago:

> If you use "security = share" no user/password information at all is
> needed to access the public shares on the machine. But if you like to
> restrict the access you will have to do it for each and every share in
> /etc/smb.conf
> shares example:
> [publicro]
>   comment = Public read only
>   browseable = yes
>   read only = yes
>   public = yes
>   path = /public_readable_path
> [publicrw]
>   comment = Read/write for all
>   browseable = yes
>   writable = yes
>   public = yes
>   path = /public_writable_path
> [studentfolder]
>   comment = Read/write for user student
>   browseable = yes
>   writable = yes
>   public = no
>   path = /student_path
>   valid users = student

In addition to these configurations, there's something about creating a
password file for Samba. Some of the documentation is wrong in Samba's
docs. AFAIK, the only way to generate the password file is to use the
smbpasswd command. It works something like "smbpasswd john_doe_user";
this asks you for a password for John Doe User. Note this password is a
different password than his login password, although you can set it to
the same thing. In other words, you can specify the same password for
both login and samba, but when he changes one, he doesn't change the
other automatically.

Assuming your Linux box is named dangermouse, and using the snippet
above, you can then go to a Win95 box and map a drive to

Hope this at least gets you going in the right direction.

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