Would someone knowledgeable in debian'ese answer a couple of

1. The debian policy manual Section 3.4 System Run Levels talks about
symbolic links in the /etc/rcn.d directories.  All of my rc[0-S].d
directories are empty.  Upateprc.d man page says updates those same
directories.  It doesn't do that on my slink setup.  Am i reading this
all wrong?

2. As I have decided to use qmail as my MTA, I am having problems
installing, from slink or stable, any MUA's or procmail.  I had a
problem with the slink version of mutt so compiled and installed my
own.  Now I want to instal procmail but, of course, it won't install
because it needs an MTA and doesn't know about qmail.  I can't seem to
find any info as to how to force an install and ignore dependicies.
Have I missed something here also?

Thanks for any pointers you may know about.


The day-to-day travails of the IBM programmer are so amusing to most of
us who are fortunate enough never to have been one -- like watching
Charlie Chaplin trying to cook a shoe.

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