Darxus wrote:
> I installed Windows (see what you made me do??).
> I installed WinZip.
> I told WinZip to open my 2.6gb home.tgz file... it said okay... it said
> this file contains home.tar, you want me to extract it to a temp dir &
> open it ?
> So unlike our beloved Unix utilities, winzip CAN seek past 2gb.  BUT it
> can't untar and unzip at the same time, and since I don't have over 5.2gb
> of fat32 storage space, I don't have enough room to extract the .tar that
> my .tgz contains to a temp dir.  So I still can't get my files.  (ARGH)

I'm guessing Win95 can go out to 4GB 2^32 so maybe if you tried to
extract this archive in Win it still wouldn't work (BTW: how did this
file get created? The whole thing would have to be over 4GB uncompressed
(right?)) Well here's what you can assume, 1. The file you want is in
this archive but you cannot seek past 2.0GB 2. It would be a very large
effort to recompile libc for >2GB (and all of the associated programs).
3. You can access this file via M$ related utilities.

Here's my idea: Try installing DOSEMU and finding a DOS based tar/gz
extractor. Since many DOS programs write directly to the hardware, if
they support a standard 4 byte (2^32) file pointer they might be able to
extract it for you.  It's just an idea, but I'm not posititve it will
work for you.

Mark Panzer

> Ideas anyone ?
> Anybody want to lend me a large hard drive ?  :)
> It couldn't really be that hard to make Unix stuff able to seek past 2gb,
> could it ?  :)
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