>> Hello! I have the following problem: I've installed Debian 2.0 on my 
>> machine and I'm trying now to install Netscape 4.06. At first 
>> Netscape couldn't find some libraries. Now everything is OK with the 
>> libraries but when I try to start it in X-Term it says: "Segmentation 
>> fault." Please help me!

sounds like a problem I had.  I got it by:
1. installing hamm using dselect
2. downloading the netscape tarball from ft.netscape.com, and
3. following the installation instructions therein.

Sometime later and somewhat wiser, I
1. ran dselect, and put a "+" by the netscape4 package,
2. put the netscape tarball into /tmp
3. ran dselect again, and let it install netscape, which now works well.

Douglas Guptill,                e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Box 3401, Hfx South,               vox: 902-469-0262
Halifax, N.S.                      fax: 902-469-0262
Canada B3J 3J1

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