What has changed between Debian 1.3 and Debian 2.0 in the interpretation of
file time stamp on (directly) mounted Windows partitions?

I just noticed that my old Debian 1.3 system and my new Debian 2.0 system 
report different file timestamps for files on my Windows 98 partition.

Neither Debian system reports the correct time.

Debian 2.0 is off by my times zone's offset from GMT.  That sounds like
Debian 2.0 is treating the time stamps as GMT times and translating to
my local time zone for display.

Debian 1.3 is off by one hour (it displays a time one hour earlier than
the actual time the Windows file was created).  That sounds like a 
daylight savings time problem, except that its a file I just created today
to test things, and I didn't noticed any incorrect system times from Windows 
98, Debian 1.3, or Debian 2.0 before or after the daylight savings time
change a week ago.

(I created a directory on Windows 98.  Windows reported the file creation 
(modification?) time as 12:11pm.  Windows also reported the current time 
as around 12:11.  

I shut down Windows 98 and rebooted into the BIOS to check the time.  The
BIOS reported the time as being around 12:11pm.

When I rebooted into Debian 1.3 (kernel 2.0.34) and listed the directory
on the Windows partition, it reported a file timestamp of 11:11 pm (one hour 
early).  Debian 1.3 reported the current time correctly (around 12:14 by then).

When I rebooted into Debian 2.0 (prebuilt 2.0.34 kernel) and listed the
directory again, it reported a time of 7:11 am (five hours early).
(Debian 2.0 also reported the current time correctly.))

Apparently, Debian 2.0 is interpreting file times on my Windows partition
as GMT times, and then adjusting them to my EST time zone.  

Did something change in Debian 2.0?  Did I misconfigure something?
Does Windows 98 work differently?  (I formatted the Windows partition 
as a FAT filesystem, not as FAT32.)

Generally, what's causing the time difference, and where can I find 
information on fixing it?

(I also noticed a difference in the end-of-line translation in Windows text 
files seen from the different versions of Debian.  Is the configuration of 
that related to time interpretation?)



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