On Wed, 4 Nov 1998 00:06:34 -0500, Jun Hou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have 96M memory, so I set this info in my Lilo; and I do see "96M total 
>physical memory" when I type in "free" command.
>But after a day or so, this memory will become virtual 0 (say, 4k) out of
>no reason.  I only have netscape and emacs open (with xserver, of course;
>but nobody ever has an account on this machine), and they usually take up
>only 40 or 50M from my experience.  The rest of the memory is GONE, for no
>reason, I see I have 34M of cache, 40M of shared mem, etc.
>Anyone shares any experience like this with Debian 2.0.34?

The Linux kernel will keep data in cached memory until something else
comes along to replace it, so you will find that your entire block of
physical will become allocated over time.  This is not something to
worry about, as that memory will be automatically freed is something
else needs it.

Of course, you could have a nasty memory leak somewhere, but that
would start spilling over into virtual memory as well.  Do you notice
that happening?

Rob Wilderspin
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
----------------------= (send replies to rob@)

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