On Sun, Nov 08, 1998 at 04:29:45PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> web. I'm bearing in mind the streamed graphics that Intel is using to
> cripple your machine to sell you Pentuim IIs. 

    Want a laugh, go to www.unitedmedia.com and take a look at the
requirements for their "Comics Browser."  You'd think that the comics were
enough to get a chuckle from.  

> Fourthly, to a certain extent the Free Software community already *has*
> extended HTML: Perl (probably) does everything whatever microsoft's
> dynamic HTML backofficey thing is, probably does it better, and probably
> did it before Microsoft had put finger to keyboard. Why BackOffice gets
> more press and is used by more end user-type people is left as an
> excercise for the reader. 

    Actually, perl is just a language.  If you want extended HTML in the
sense of ASP take a look at PHP3.  It is already Debianized.  *Very* slick,
looks to make "advanced" things on the web simple, and it is open source.

             Steve C. Lamb             | Opinions expressed by me are not my
    http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus    | employer's.  They hired me for my
             ICQ: 5107343              | skills and labor, not my opinions!

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