Hi there,
        I just want to say a big thank you to all the people who pitched in with
suggestions on my problem: specifically, that the NIC refused to work under
Debian Linux but worked perfectly under Winborg.

        Suggestions raised included Plug'n'Pray, Winborg specific NIC, even 
plain old
overheat problems (this machine has had a nasty habit of spontaneously
rebooting). Somebody mentioned that those two symptoms may be related.

        Turns out the problem was much more simple and insidious. The two 
32MB DIMMs I had in this boxwere similar but still different in those
minor-yet-critical ways. Don't know exactly what, maybe it's access mistimings
or who knows what. But after removing one of the DIMMs (after testing both and
seeing them both pass), the Linux box is happily TCP/IPing with the Winborg
box next door.

        Now all I have to do is:
*       trade in the 2x32MBs for a 1x64MB DIMM
*       work out why Netscape says it can't load libXt.so.6 (or whichever 
library it
*       configure the sound card
*       work out how to control a Canon BJC-4200
*       work out IP masquerading
*       install and configure Samba
*       recognise a second monitor
*       get this other NIC into a physically misaligned 486 motherboard

        Oh yeah. And pass exams. :-(

Thanks so much, everybody...

P (Peter "Troff" Petroff)
* I.T. undergraduate student at the Queensland University of Technology
* part-time IT administrator within the Uniting Church
"In the game 'Dungeons And Dragons', the average house cat can kill a first
 level wizard. Novice wizards, remember this when choosing your familiar."

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