Problem with gnome-panel. It starts and takes all available CPU time, but I only get a blank grey stripe accross the bottom of my display.

Here is hopefully useful info for debugging:

I start gnome as suggested in "Quick Tour of GNOME Apps":
$ cat ~/.xinitrc
/usr/bin/X11/enlightenment &
exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

I also tried icewm as window manager, same result.

My system is Debian Slink, upgraded from Debian 2.0r2. I had a mirror of Slink on local disk, and I have checked it is identical to the original (except that I don't mirror source and ports to other architectures).

$ grep panel /root/dpkg--list.1998-11-07
ii  gnome-panel     0.30-1         Launch and/or dock Gnome applications
ii  libpanel-applet 0.30-1         Library for Gnome Panel applets
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /amd/dilbert/export/home/tale/Work/Debian-doc/ddp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /amd/dilbert/export/home/tale/Work/Debian-doc/ddp
$ uname -a
Linux dilbert 2.0.35 #5 Mon Aug 17 22:22:42 EEST 1998 i686 unknown
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /amd/dilbert/export/home/tale/Work/Debian-doc/ddp

I had Slink and GNOME running something like a month ago on a test system. There I had the panel working OK, but now it seems the upgrade on my production machine has not been OK.

If I try to start gnome-session after X Window and Enlightenment are already running (I kill -KILL:ed the panel first):

$ /usr/bin/gnome-session
Message: Initializing CORBA for panel

connected to session manager

** WARNING **: Could not open help topics file NULL
** ERROR **: sigsegv caught
WM already running, exiting...

This produces a grey stripe across the bottom of display. It looks like the panel, exept it is empty. The panel process eats CPU, though:
 11:06am  up 19:18,  3 users,  load average: 1.19, 0.69, 0.31
75 processes: 72 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 43.5% user, 56.7% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:  127932K av, 125876K used,   2056K free,  28568K shrd,  35136K buff
Swap: 130748K av,  39752K used,  90996K free                 27368K cached

12598 tale      12   0 13100  12M  2300 R       0 95.5 10.2   2:40 panel
12619 tale       1   0   788  788   604 R       0  4.7  0.6   0:00 top
    1 root       0   0   124   76    56 S       0  0.0  0.0   0:18 init
    2 root       0   0     0    0     0 SW      0  0.0  0.0   0:00 kflushd

The only complaints I get from dselect are libguile3, it recommends libguile3-doc which is not available.
I hope someone can help me on this.
Tapio Lehtonen
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