Ho there.

On Sun, 08 Nov 1998, Jason Lunz wrote:
>There's a script installed with the cdda2wav package, "scan_scsi.linux"

>that's supposed to say what device to use:


>> 07:05pm|~|1 $ scan_scsi.linux

>> Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00 CD-ROM -> /dev/sg2

Didn't realize that script existed but yep, it reports back the correct
channel, id and lun on my box.

>But when I run cdda2wav, I get:


>> 07:06pm|~|3 $ cdda2wav -D0,4,0

>> open(0,4,0) in file interface.c, line 645: No such file or directory

>> On Linux make sure you have the generic SCSI driver installed.

>> Probably you did not define your SCSI device.

>> Set the CDR_DEVICE environment variable or use the -D option.

>> You can also define the default device in the Makefile.

I always get that error. The only way around it that I've found is to run
cdda2wav as root. I haven't trying suid on it but that may work too. If anyone
else has cleaner way to usee cdda2wav then i'd love to hear it.


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